Magical Realities
- Angelic Communications, Extraterrestrial Communications, Life After Death, Magical Realities, Mysteries of the Earth, Science and Research
How the Shift May Occur Without Anyone Realizing It Via Magical Mind Control
Tonight, I am in communication with some of the “French Archangels” who are major members of the Alliance and live on our world as French singer / songwriters. This includes: Nolwenn Leroy, Indila, Pomme and Iliona. The former, Nolwenn, was known in our history as Tawusi Melek: The Blue Peacock God known in Iraqi Yezidi mythology (see the image below of her album cover). This grand being manifests easily as a human woman — and has taken many names and identities over endless ages. As Nolwenn, she has maintained herself on Earth as one of the ruling Earth Alliance members, with a dual cosmic life as a celestial queen. Another…
- Angelic Communications, Extraterrestrial Communications, Life After Death, Magical Realities, Mysteries of the Earth, Near Death Experiences, Science and Research, Telepathic Sessions
The Steps to Make Earth into a Higher Density Planet – Just Like Every Other Celestial Reality
In this article, we are going to culminate my research as an author, investigator of the paranormal, extraterrestrial researcher, out of body explorer, contactee, and most importantly: Afterlife researcher. Where does this lead us? I discovered the nature of reality is a vast structure composed of the three density structures: The dense realms of the strict physical, the proto-physical higher density, and the magical realities of the proto-ethereal. {Edit: Not included in this list is the mental reality existence, but this can be argued as part of it all.) The concept of “astral projection” as it turned out was not what people thought it was. Powerful religious fundamentalist forces on…
- Extraterrestrial Communications, Life After Death, Magical Realities, Mysteries of the Earth, Near Death Experiences, Science and Research, Telepathic Sessions
A Most Fundamental Description of Other Worlds, the Afterlife, Astral Projection, Realities Beyond This One – Important to Get Facts Straight!
In lieu of my upcoming book The Cosmic Shift of Mankind and the communications on this site, I’d like to talk about what we can gather so far about our cosmic destiny, the afterlife, my work, and what people here need to know. As always, there are so many people coming forward about their experiences in the higher density realities, often tearing apart myths about our realities dissolving away. A nice description comes courtesy of a member below. I hear reports like this on a daily basis: Firstly, I’d like The Multiverse Institute to be a place to continue explorations through clairaudient telepathy between members and worlds outside of our…
Communication With a Spirit Guide About the Afterlife, the Perspectives of Heaven, the 5d Ascension, Other Worlds
I am excited to bring this communication to the forefront. I like to remind people that as a channel, I work with these communicators closely in the creation of such essays. Sometimes, I do not always completely agree with the direction a topic may go, and it becomes like any creative project as we edit something back and forth. One thing these communicators often stress about is the tone. If it’s too aggressive, it may detract people’s hearts and minds. Yet, they also want very badly to get ideas and lessons out to an audience they describe as disconnected or not fully aware. I often feel hesitant if they are…
Communication to Marisia: A White Fairy Being From Another World Once Captured on a Photo
Sometimes I have communications that really astound me. Since I started direct mental syncing, others here began talking to my same team, including the fairy realities. That includes Christy Eaglesham, who actually captured a photograph of a white fairy in Lily Dale in 2014, and I synced to that fairy only to communicate to a woman who was already on my team; a white fairy named Marisia, who I even encountered once physically in my own life. She is a major spirit guide for people on Earth. [To clarify: I encountered a woman at a bar, a cocktail waitress, wearing a long beautiful white gown who winked at me. She…
Channeling SHANTASARI: A Green Fairy Being From Myelinos – Known in Our World’s Histories and Mythologies
TRANSCRIBED TELEPATHIC SESSION WITH ‘GREEN FAERY’ SHANTASARI: The secret magical collectives of the Earth, the world of Myelinos, much more. Communication via mental syncing, extremely clear two-way communications. Dictation begins below: Please note, others in the Afterlife Topics and Metaphysics community have had direct experiences with Shantasari, including even one reported real-time, physical encounter. Personally, I have experienced balls of green energy flying around me, and several friends have had telepathic communications develop with her: “Well hello everyone. My name is Shantasari. We are placing this message on a few forums, and not all are as open hearted as Afterlife Topics. Some communities are not so keen on the presence…