Join the Multiverse Institute
The Multiverse Institute (And affiliated Afterlife Topics and Metaphysics / The Cosmic Shift of Mankind) is looking for people to become involved.
We are looking for:
- People who experience mental syncing / objective clairaudient communications who wish to work with us on social media, including messenger.
- Open minded researchers interested in contact via mental syncing, experimental science, and independent research who wish to publish their findings.
- Supporters and backers interested in helping contribute to work related to these endeavors.
- Supporters who wish to share knowledge and become influencers in regard to integrating the collective consciousness of Earth.
To get involved:
- Consider writing to: in regard to above involvement criteria to get started right away.
- Consider a training protocol (donation based) to open mental channels, clairaudient telepathy, and experiences that occur throughout this process.
- Join the Afterlife Topics and Metaphysics Facebook group to show support.
- Join the Afterlife Topics and Metaphysics Reddit community.
- Subscribe to The Great Cosmic Shift of Mankind, the personal YouTube of author Cyrus Kirkpatrick.