Nikola Tesla Communicates From 5D Earth: Upcoming Shift, ITC’s Final Goal, Plus Message by Rochel Ettinger
Today we have messages from Multiverse Institute telepaths Jo Ann Rescigno and Rochel Ettinger, plus myself – and it concerns the path forward to Earth’s cosmic Shift and how we can best identify and relate to THEIR reality which contains so many of our deceased – From the Nikola Tesla North American Station located in their version of Colorado! 10/13/2024 This morning I communicated with Nikolai Tesla by mental syncing. Tesla first wanted to acknowledge and thank @Cyrus Kirkpatrick . “Your work with the Multiverse Institute, Afterlife Topics and Metaphysics as well as your mental syncing team are major contributors to the progress of humanity “ Tesla can be found…
- Angelic Communications, Life After Death, Mysteries of the Earth, Near Death Experiences, Spiritualism
Near Death Experiences, the Light, Reincarnation, Out of Body Experiences Explained Via Direct Communication
A forum member from Afterlife Topics and Metaphysics asks about the essentials related to not only death, the Light, but fear of reincarnation traps after death. As a telepath to off-world forces with others in this community, we can relate that this situation is of “emergency” caliber because of “lack of education” on a planet besieged by what is understood to be evil forces. Sourav Chatterjee asks: I had few experiences in astral projection and once had NDE. I have witnessed the white light which indeed appears to be from divine because of the wonderful feeling it radiates as you expose yourself to it. As perceived by many it may…
Misconceptions About Life, Death and Channeling: A Chat Between Dr. Michael Persinger and Cyrus Kirkpatrick
“Spiritualism is wrong on almost every major level,” explains Dr. Persinger, a Canadian psychologist and parapsychologist who died in 2018 only to discover his consciousness in complete continuation. “A major focus of my area in parapsychology was telepathic research and its correlates to the environment, the Earth, geomagnetism, cyclical rotation, etc. What I would not speak openly about and face ridicule for was the concept of telepathic communication with deceased people: Something I would periodically do but foolishly write off as an auditory hallucination.” Persinger continues, communicating to me through an advanced form of telepathy where I can hear his physical voice. “I was right, it turns out. The Schumann…
- Angelic Communications, Extraterrestrial Communications, Life After Death, Spiritualism, Telepathic Sessions
How to Communicate With God, the Danger of Cults on Earth – Message From the Ashtar
A constant message I am given by my team, as a telepath channel, is to be cautious about channeled messages purported from “God”, especially if they describe aspects of surrendering one’s individual self to join God’s Light. Again, we are in a weird territory where people die on Earth, join huge collectives of religious fundamentalism that have strict opinions about God. Minerva of Ashtar weighs in. Minerva is the 12.6 billion year-old magistrate of the Ashtar governance within the Andromeda galaxy. I am told in the heels of the recent UFO whistleblower leaks, our planet is “inches away” from full contact with the universe beyond our own. I am told…
The Afterlife of Elizabeth Taylor As Described by Her Spirit Guide
A few months ago I was contacted by the spirit of Elizabeth Taylor. I was told I was one of the few mediums who could navigate why Taylor had left her soul collective (Heaven) which was also where she first visited in her famous near death experience. This is impossible, because where someone goes during an NDE is by nature paradise, sublime, the realm of God, and beyond words. So why would someone leave it? It has everything one could ever need, and it’s just life itself, it’s God itself, and you don’t “leave” God. Her soul collective informed me Taylor had “fallen” and required rescuing to return to normal…
Channeling SHANTASARI: A Green Fairy Being From Myelinos – Known in Our World’s Histories and Mythologies
TRANSCRIBED TELEPATHIC SESSION WITH ‘GREEN FAERY’ SHANTASARI: The secret magical collectives of the Earth, the world of Myelinos, much more. Communication via mental syncing, extremely clear two-way communications. Dictation begins below: Please note, others in the Afterlife Topics and Metaphysics community have had direct experiences with Shantasari, including even one reported real-time, physical encounter. Personally, I have experienced balls of green energy flying around me, and several friends have had telepathic communications develop with her: “Well hello everyone. My name is Shantasari. We are placing this message on a few forums, and not all are as open hearted as Afterlife Topics. Some communities are not so keen on the presence…
Channeling Oscar Wilde About His Life, Death, And Journeys Beyond the Astral
The following is a message from Oscar Wilde, who spent much time in a soul collective communicating to Leslie Flint. Eventually, he moved beyond the soul collective into a greater reality. In the early days of my foray into these areas, with books like Understanding Life After Death (2015) I was heavily inspired by the communications by Wilde to audiences everywhere through Flint’s direct voice mediumship. In fact, some of my original interest in the very subject of life beyond this world started with Flint addressing sitters by discussing his reality; where it’s very much reminiscent of our own, but in contrast to typical ‘New Age’ teachings he insisted people…
Channeling Emanuel Swedenborg – The Great 18th Century Theologian
Telepathic Communication with Emanuel Swedenborg – 18th Century Theologian and Enlightenment Scholar – Life on an Angelic World, Unrevealed Truths of His Life, Devious Sexual Behavior in the Modern Age Taken from the book The Cosmic Shift of Mankind. See: The Great Cosmic Shift on YouTube for more information, Afterlife Topics and Metaphysics on Facebook. Greetings to those reading this anthology. What a great pleasure it is to be here and to write through the very fingers of this young man, Cyrus, who has grown into a talent we can recognize throughout the ages. It [communications like this one] is nothing new, and is a normal occurrence on your world.…