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Near Death Experiences, the Light, Reincarnation, Out of Body Experiences Explained Via Direct Communication

A forum member from Afterlife Topics and Metaphysics asks about the essentials related to not only death, the Light, but fear of reincarnation traps after death. As a telepath to off-world forces with others in this community, we can relate that this situation is of “emergency” caliber because of “lack of education” on a planet besieged by what is understood to be evil forces.

Sourav Chatterjee asks:

I had few experiences in astral projection and once had NDE. I have witnessed the white light which indeed appears to be from divine because of the wonderful feeling it radiates as you expose yourself to it. As perceived by many it may be a soul trap taking you to the reincarnation cycle.

I have a doubt to what many say that if you ignore it, you turn the other side you get to see the real universe and all and you set yourself free!! I have seen repeated instances of this light appearing after being ignored. Upon ignoring them and moving into void, you still can’t get out as there is some sort of a frequency grid. I have experienced not going into the light and floating around, visiting places instantaneously I think of like relatives’ places, churches, temples which was there in my memory but couldn’t see the universe or cosmos. I have heard that until you learn to vibrate at a higher frequency you cannot get out of the grid system and you have no way out but to enter the light sooner or later. If someone could enlighten me about this facet I shall be deeply oblidged. Thank you

Answers from Cyrus Kirkpatrick, Parapsychological Journalist / Medium / Telepath and Off World Contactee

Hello Sourav,

Not a day goes by that I do not enable advanced ‘mediumship’ which becomes known as telepathic power. This allows a sharing of brain-waves, resulting in direct, two-way communications. I have communicated with people on our world including other experts in the field. I once shared a two-hour chat with a Hopi Indian native 30 minutes away at the Tohono O’Odham reservation near Tucson, Arizona. Mental communications represent a ‘secret world’ that many partake into but is rarely recognized in our normal lives due to mainstream non-acceptance and scientific bigotry.

Telepathy, misidentified as solely the realm of mediumship, allows an open-minded truth-seeker to communicate with many on this planet, and other planets, including what’s known as the afterlife.

Many misrepresent cosmic topics on a planet besieged by EXTREME misinformation, and this is what Tohono O’Odham, Hopi, Apache and every other Native tribe warns about. How did this happen? Vast misconceptions that arise through paranoia and people’s fear of their own wicked behaviors. Many seek to ‘rewrite the rules of life’ or are trying to spread propaganda to convince themselves about topics they either hate or are afraid of.

So, keeping these concepts in mind and the grave state of this planet, let’s address each point for Sourav and also readers of The Multiverse Institute blog.

  • “I have witnessed the white light which indeed appears to be from divine because of the wonderful feeling it radiates as you expose yourself to it”

Cyrus’s Comments: The ‘Light’ can be spoken with telepathically. However, the issues concerning fake versions of ‘the Light’ concern a very basic trick which is feeling wonderful when exposed to it. My team from realities beyond Earth make it clear: Wonderful feelings can be created via enchantment effects or the ability for one’s own body (including the spirit energy body) to have filters turned to ‘OFF.’ If those filters turn to ‘OFF’ even normal light, normal sensation, normal anything is going to feel ‘heavenly.’ These filters turn to off during certain Kundalini experiences but also as the default state of existence when we die, our energy body exits, and is re-manifested into a Higher Density Body Structure (5D). This ‘HD’ body looks and feels the same but will access a non-filtered dimension that is perceived organically in a state of almost extreme exaltation, essence, and euphoria. Brief ‘visitations’ into such realms are then seen as Heaven in all cases (see image below) – not even for the surroundings and how they look but what someone’s body (spirit energy OR physical manifested versions) is experiencing. So you can have an experience staring at a tree on another world and it will be a DIVINE heaven experience conflated with a normal tree. But the tree is still just a normal tree on ‘that’ side.

Therefore, it’s very dangerous to believe what feels good is divine. The better point is to ask what spiritually feels ‘correct’ and not what feels spiritually euphoric.

The Light, however, is also what many refuse to name it because of a false theocratic-dominated society: It is known as The Divine Feminine which created all of reality and manifests OUT of everything representing what’s divine about many things in celestial nature. So this is God.

The Light is absolutely 100% not our oversoul that we “return into” wherein we again find enlightenment or purity that was “within us all along.” Elders and my contacts warn this is known as Luciferianism. Why? It’s a constructed fallacy that alludes to an idea that someone’s psyche is, on an inner level, a perfect divine being. This relates to “Universal Salvation” so all people are divine and wonderful.

This also relates to the False Light trap. The idea is some aspect of someone’s psyche, if you ‘dig deep enough’ (like via meditation) is actually part of the perfect, all-loving, all-wonderful Light.

So instead of trying to change, to not be a jealousy-driven lunatic for example who goes into fits of road rage from intimidation by other’s happier lives (“You cut me off? AND you have a wife and kids? I will DESTROY you!” A common pathology) — the better solution is to MEDITATE, then BYPASS those evil thoughts by concealing them from a belief in one’s greater, pure oversoul existence.

This also relates to ideologies used by abusive people in very evil homes where children are trained that the abusive parent is just the perfect oversoul of God “teaching lessons.”

My team informs me some of the worst culprits of this teaching include Quakers and Puritans, and that those individuated souls “surely are recycled into hell” once true divine power cracks their spirit world evil power structures.

That’s right, we at Afterlife Topics and The Multiverse Institute are completely opposed to Puritans, Quakers, and False Unitarians. It would be considered cosmically as “heresy.”

So, as ‘the Light’ would actually teach: All individual beings are self-responsible facets of creation. The idea you can ‘dig’ and find your secret, perfect self is part of New Age ideology also found among Lumerian / Atlantis cults that is “so profane we are in a spectrum as evil as the Nazi Party and worse.”

  • “As perceived by many it may be a soul trap taking you to the reincarnation cycle.”

We now arrive to the next point to address: ‘The Light’ could be a soul trap if, and ONLY if, a person is dying or having an OBE (which some do not return from) and they are ideologically aligned into a power structure that supports such concepts.

Every force of life has a power structure that is energetic. Think of a haunted house and what causes that haunting to appear ONLY in a house. That power structure we can align into with our own energy, and then an ideology can turn someone down a VERY dark path after death.

What ideologies? I just name four above these posts. There are many more. That’s the danger of ideology.

The False Light will be an Archonic force – a collection of souls seeking to harness other souls – that hopes to either 1.) Reincarnate the visitor back into Earth to serve its power structure on an ideological basis (a new ISIL recruit), or 2.) Spread euphoric feelings that the new spirit will identify as ‘God’ so it can add someone like Sourav into its greater power structure. That’s the purpose of a False Light.

The Archonic False Light could be generated from negative extraterrestrials or Islamic theocrats alike, among other forces. It serves the same corporate purpose.

Another common False Light teaching is a bizarre dichotomy: “All is either Love or Fear.” This I am also told is a “mind control” tool. Reality is not based around concepts like “fear is negative, and therefore bad, love feels good, and is therefore ‘good.'” A cannibal killer might ‘love’ you and fear might save someone’s child in danger.

Isn’t this common sense? My team says this, “Not on your planet it’s not. People believe in an afterlife free of negative things, so that we can bring this idea into our own lives to destroy our ability to feel anything other than a mind-controlled state of false bliss. Two-dimensional thinking. Fear never goes away in any state of existence. It’s spirit emotion translated through a body and is only ‘negative’ if it’s misplaced fear. Extreme misinformation about life and brainwashing / mind-control.”

Mislabeling Reincarnation as a Reincarnation Trap

This is the next issue, and I will point directly to false teachers like Wayne Bush and many others who claim to fight a “false light” or “reincarnation trap” but are doing nothing but perpetuating the same evil.

I will also point my finger hard at radical Islam and not actual, true, mystical spiritual Islam. Radical Islam claims there is no such thing as reincarnation despite endless scientific evidence (Stevenson, etc.,). “This goes into a territory of insanity among Islamic leaders,” explains my team, the Angelic Order. “And you cannot question a false teaching or you get stoned to death. Extreme evil festering in countries like Iran, Syria, and Afghanistan. Most people have past lives and it is absolutely verifiable.”

In fact, what goes on is people who are living wicked lives, or lives full of wrath and many issues where they are not permitted to enter the Higher Density (5D) cosmos – grow resentful and wish to “control God” or “control reality” which is the precursor to Satanism.

Many of these “exit the matrix” teachers online are actually resentful crybabies who hate the fact actual Divine Power has them on a ticket to reincarnation. Julie McVey is included in this list who hosts paranormal podcasts about finding “freedom” from supernatural powers.

Their idea of “escaping the matrix” and “avoiding the false light” means rejecting the ACTUAL light from a position of rejecting divine power and hating that a higher power has control over them.

So, what they do is create what’s known as unholy power structures for the purpose of bypassing a reincarnation cycle to enter the Higher Density (5D) cosmos as an infiltrator. My team explains, “This creates great wicked forces in the Heaven dimension that become villains, imposters of normal residents of the Heaven reality. This creates what the Bible warns as the War in Heaven.”

Therefore, the idea of a “reincarnation trap” could likely be somebody on the Internet who hates the actual Divine Light and considers divine power something that hurts their “freedom”, as from a position of extreme egotism where they deny their own ‘weaknesses.’ This is sometimes connected to extremist or irrational forms of Libertarian philosophy or corrupted forms of Gnosticism that believe in individual freedom at the expense of society or any type of greater-good. “Sometimes insanity, sometimes extreme wicked evil,” explains my team.

  • “I have a doubt to what many say that if you ignore it, you turn the other side you get to see the real universe and all and you set yourself free!! I have seen repeated instances of this light appearing after being ignored. “

Cyrus’s Response: What is the real universe? The False Light is only what is described above, and it’s when someone is aligned into a weird power structure. If you ‘ignore’ the False Light you are rejecting it, but where do you turn? Real holy power is STILL ‘the Light’ so it could be Divine Consciousness or God. So where is Divine Consciousness or God if you are just ‘ignoring’ what you encounter after death?

If you don’t align into some kind of divinity, then where does power generate to avoid an Archon / actual False Light entity? Why is there no direction toward this? To instead “see the real universe.”

This makes my team very suspicious because it sounds more like people trying to ignore the actual ‘Light’ because they are “selfish weasels” who are solipsists – discount the existence of the rest of reality – and encounter the “true universe” which could be an astral reality bardo state of some kind where they can resist divine light and generate their own reality.

Generating one’s own reality only works in mental dreamscapes which people fortify as true reality, when it’s not. This relates to ideas online of “quantum jumping” or infinite repeating universes related to “multiverse theory.” None of this is real. It’s ALL mentally disturbed people who demand to create their own realities, often from a condition of demanding to control other souls.

This is the type of trash on YouTube.

Infinite repeating universes means divinity does not exist. It means every horrifying thing in existence just endlessly repeats, with WW2’s holocaust just continuously, endlessly replicating itself. Who believes this? Actual faithless, spiritless weirdos on the Internet and academia.

  • “Upon ignoring them and moving into void, you still can’t get out as there is some sort of a frequency grid.”

The only reason people like David Icke for example report this phenomenon is because they are fighting the Archon ‘soul devourers’ I spoke about above. They sometimes belong to the spectrum of weird religious factions or extraterrestrial entities. These types of powers can create entire replicated realities and ANYTHING to hold their souls captive. To not experience this, simply do not psychologically align to their motives. Many do, especially trashy people looking to exploit reality, seek shortcuts, or make fast cash.

  • “I have experienced not going into the light and floating around, visiting places instantaneously I think of like relatives’ places, churches, temples which was there in my memory but couldn’t see the universe or cosmos.”

Cyrus’s Response: This is called traveling in a spirit body. You might have been on this Earth but could have been another world. So, if it was an NDE, ‘the Light’ wasn’t going to reincarnate you, per se. But it’s also not some final afterlife. Sometimes ‘the Light’ is just keeping someone psychologically safe until return to the body. The point is, though, you were probably still on our planet’s grid and kept within it for good reason instead of leaving and potentially manifesting elsewhere which would have led to actual death.

  • “I have heard that until you learn to vibrate at a higher frequency you cannot get out of the grid system and you have no way out but to enter the light sooner or later. “

Cyrus’s Response: What does vibrate at a higher frequency mean? If it means gaining in moral character and elder status in life, amazing. Otherwise, this sounds like Luciferianism described before, where if you keep vibrating “faster and faster” you discover the “Center of the Tootsie Pop” which is your grand, superpowered, true self. Hmm. I don’t think so. What’s going on is the ACTUAL teaching is that unless someone stops being wicked, crazy, bad moral character, you cannot get out of the grid around Earth that keeps disturbed souls from entering the Higher Density (5D) cosmos. Which means someone will inevitably end up meeting the Light which will throw someone back into a new life on Earth – or MUCH worse – hell. That’s right. Reserved for very evil beings. So what do the wicked do online? Share tips about avoiding judgment and accountability after death. So “learning to vibrate at a higher frequency” is a very strange way to describe improving one’s character. Why is this described? Some misconceptions related to people who are more powerful of character operating on a higher level of existence on a dimensional level. However, this is irrelevant and amounts to jealousy of other’s power instead of recognizing how their power arrives.

In Summary

So now we can put together many pieces even if this essay is confrontational against ideas that are self-evident to be heretical and awful. That means many areas of information online are incorrect. Any attempt to rationalize or “hamster wheel” away these concepts means trying to defend ideas of anti-divinity, anti-accountability, or reality surrealism. Ironically, all these elements is how ‘the Light’ knocks people back to Earth like a fly-swatter.

So what happens naturally? Re-manifestation into a new planet after death only after having a date with ‘the Light’ and accountability after death, including what the unholy spectrum hates the most – the life review process.

Cyrus Kirkpatrick is a medium, telepath, off-world contactee who runs The Multiverse Institute and Afterlife Topics and Metaphysics. Donations for supremely hard work are greatly appreciated at this link.

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