Life After Death,  Science and Research,  Spiritualism,  Telepathic Sessions

Nikola Tesla Communicates From 5D Earth: Upcoming Shift, ITC’s Final Goal, Plus Message by Rochel Ettinger

Today we have messages from Multiverse Institute telepaths Jo Ann Rescigno and Rochel Ettinger, plus myself – and it concerns the path forward to Earth’s cosmic Shift and how we can best identify and relate to THEIR reality which contains so many of our deceased – From the Nikola Tesla North American Station located in their version of Colorado!


This morning I communicated with Nikolai Tesla by mental syncing. Tesla first wanted to acknowledge and thank @Cyrus Kirkpatrick . “Your work with the Multiverse Institute, Afterlife Topics and Metaphysics as well as your mental syncing team are major contributors to the progress of humanity “

Tesla can be found in Colorado on Terra 3A which is one of our upper Earths; very close to our planet…cities, landmarks and even stores.

I discovered a connection to Tesla. A few weeks ago I went to the integration dome built for time travel by George Van Tassel who is also known for the council of seven . Tesla and Van Tassel now work together.

Tesla said he is reverse engineering technologies for us, allowing the collective consciousness to accept such “discoveries “ this is crucial. “We (Tesla and Van Tassel) continue to use the dome. The dome is built on a vortex. One can stand over an open tube going down deep into the Earth. Above is a huge 1.5 ton oculus, energy goes up and down and does not leave the silo so to speak. This allows DNA activation for those who are ready.” Tesla asked me, “didn’t you notice the difference since your visit?” Ummmm yes !!

We discussed longevity and health. Disease and cures. Healing and surgery will be psychic on a cellular level. Med bed technology will be available. My favorite topic is age regression!

“That is all for today. We will continue our conversations.” —Nikolai Tesla

Tesla’s independent communication with Cyrus Kirkpatrick below:

ITC image example by researchers

“Hello Cyrus. I am here with my wife and a woman you know from your planet and her name is Marilyn Monroe. We are hesitant to bring her through Rinaldi’s station because it could ignite a firestorm. We have always had to deal with a vast collective consciousness battering ram that blocks the ‘fantastic’ from arising because of social mind control VENOM!”

“This social mind control was instilled on your planet on PURPOSE, Cyrus! And we know who did it! This type of control became extremely apparent about the time it was clear the Society for Psychic Research was not on my side or anyone’s side. Those early institutes, Cyrus, had the POWER in them to cross all bridges and create a new higher civilization.”

“Instead, something else happened — the institutes betrayed humanity and became self-centered, even accepting bribes. There were major events, Cyrus, in the realm of MATERIALIZATION! This will explain all. It concerns how a physical body can turn into energy, become a ‘spirit’ body, then travel a distance and rematerialize.”

“The Spiritualist seance researchers, working with grand mediums like MINNIE HARRISON, were able to continuously verify this phenomenon and even put it into laboratory experiments. I regret I did not participate because I sensed occult societies sought Tesla’s head on a stick!”

“So when someone on your planet dies, guess what? They CAN return physically. But death is a complex process because divine consciousness arises and sends a soul into a new direction as per God and nature combined! But divine consciousness is sometimes being battled over within wars in the cosmos because divine consciousness is often being supplanted by evil extraterrestrials who seek a more corporate regiment to reality, Cyrus’s readers!”

“So now we know war exists on my side of the veil, it’s just many don’t want to acknowledge this because on your planet there is a great issue where people claim negativity must just be bypassed or things that make us uncomfortable must be ignored. This is extremely serious, extremely dangerous.”

“So, in other words, some who die reincarnate, some do NOT and become barnyard animals because of very wicked pathologies — or they barely come back at all and they’re now little grubs living in the soil – that’s because reincarnation works on a karmic basis. Therefore, many seek to avoid this judgment so they join Illuminati style occult groups designed to counter holy power that meets people at death (NDEs). Then they claim they have power over reality, HAHAHAHA!”

“A few years ago, Cyrus, you and Rinaldi met Dr. Konstantine Raudive at the Afterlife Research Education Institute when he appeared during a grand physical materialization demonstration. Raudive is here with me now. How do we reinvigorate the ITC reality based on Raudive’s revelations concerning the types of interferences that shut down, for example, the Timestream communications straight into an Elysium reality known as Marduk!” (see Fishbach, Macy, etc)

“The answer will be to meet us physically in person. How? Over time. Your planet must now learn about collective consciousness integration sciences. Those sciences relate to how a collective psyche responds to extreme events. If it’s too extreme, the whole population DIES! We don’t want that, do we? This is a lost area of science, also obfuscated on PURPOSE!”

“The dead returning… Hmm.. Pretty extreme, no?”

“So now we know the TRUTH and it can all be traced back to grand, brilliant scientists and investigators before the occult societies began bribing powerful forces to obscure any attempt at integration to the cosmic spectrum.”

“The truth is that when someone dies, their SPIRIT ENERGY body can be taken somewhere else, into an integration facility, and this is based on the Science of the Seance where in an environment suited for it, the nonphysical reality becomes a blueprint for the biological itself. A person may appear, often wearing a ‘spirit robe’ because they cannot appear in non-organic clothing! So we understand clearly: Organic molecular structure can phase IN AND OUT OF the spirit reality. It should not always require ectoplasm. There is no ectoplasm used here. A deceased person appears in a facility out of the blue. You could have an integration facility built in your planet right now! Should we try to ask Dr. Radin, Schwartz or Sheldrake?”

A spirit will appear as long as they did not reincarnate or soul journey elsewhere. Then they arrive to our reality, our version of the United States, within the….spirit world? NO! We are not actually in the SPIRIT world. That is a misnomer. We are known in your literature through Dolores Cannon as the 5D reality. Some of her information we do not agree with, but the basic idea is all correct. Your universe is known as 3D or Third Density, and sometimes 4D is known as the spirit reality that transitions into the 5D. Higher density realities do exist, thenceforth, but there is no competition to enter higher density universes. Any reality that is not YOUR cosmic structure is ergo a heaven reality and that INCLUDES Nosso Lar.”

“Nosso Lar is our planet’s South American reality that would seem like a separate reality entirely, like somewhere within the clouds. This is not true. It’s where millions of deceased in Brazil for example go after death. That country is not always in completely good standing with intergalactic forces because there have been tyrants present. I regret to inform this.”

“Nevertheless, cosmic heaven politics aside, I must inform you that our planet is seen as heaven, it looks like heaven, and let us call it heaven. But the Kingdom of Heaven is Within, otherwise it will NOT be as such, and it will begin to dilapidate. Your planet COULD HAVE ascended into the 5D spectrum, which turns your population into higher density persons with grand powers. This opportunity was disgraced in favor of your planet deciding to remain in a less evolved form so powers on your planet could avoid facing karmic judgment.”

“That is all for now.”

With this communication finished, we now have a communication by Multiverse Institute telepath Rochel Ettinger from her father who lives on the same planet as Tesla’s, sometimes called Terra 3A.

This is a message from my grandfather. Picture a typical elderly man with one of those like newsboy caps and a cardigan and think about a European accent.

“So I know the fear and pain those on your planet have. I had this too during the Holocaust. Do you know why I survived? Because I had faith that God had a plan for me and He will save me. Now even though your friends are gentiles (his wording not mine) let them know for them they are experiencing a Holocaust of their own where they are fighting every day against evil.”

“Tell the people of my planet to not give up and also, they should know this is the LAST Holocaust because after this it will be a much better Earth. In Judaism we compare it to a woman in labor; she’s having birth pangs and they get worse and worse as it gets closer; and she feels she can’t take it anymore and then, all of a sudden, boom there’s a baby in her arms and she goes from despair to the greatest ecstasy! This is the labor pains that are starting, so hold on for the ride and you’ll see miracles“

Cyrus Kirkpatrick, Jo Ann Rescigno and Rochel Ettinger are Multiverse Institute / Afterlife Topics and Metaphysics telepaths. They are not prophets, messiahs, or mythological figures. This work is performed with direct, cross corroborate telepathy seen as ‘psychic social media’ beyond Earth, and can be activated with training – and is formally already known by the CIA and other major groups. You can also visit new communications on our Reddit page – a community where you can participate with your own experiences. Please see this link, you’ll need the app if accessing on Mobile. – C.K. and team.

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